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9 Month Personal Affiliate Page

How it works:
  • Pay for your package the price shown below.
  • After you have paid for your ad package, please fill out the "Order Form" below to complete the advertisement ordering process.
  • Complete all the information requested on the form then click submit.
  • Once your payment has been confirmed, we will process your order immediately.
Ad package details

You have selected package "9 Month Personal Affiliate Page":
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 1
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 2
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 3
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 4
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 5
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 6
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 7
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 8
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 9
Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 10
Banner Impressions Advertising / Affiliate Page - Tower Ad 1
Banner Impressions Advertising / Affiliate Page - Tower Ad 2
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 1
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 2
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 3
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 4
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 5
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 6
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 7
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 8
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 9
Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 10

Current price for it is $14.00
Pay with:
* Additional fees may apply! See individual prices at every payment system.

Please pay for this package then come back and fill the order form below.

Payments may be sent directly through

- PayPal to arwavon@msn.com

Your Name / Username:
Your Email:
Payment Method
Transaction ID / Batch Number:

Ad #1 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 1 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #2 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 2 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #3 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 3 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #4 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 4 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #5 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 5 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #6 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 6 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #7 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 7 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #8 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 8 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #9 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 9 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #10 ( Paid to Click / Affiliate Page - Paid To Clicks / Affiliate PTC 10 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #11 ( Banner Impressions Advertising / Affiliate Page - Tower Ad 1 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #12 ( Banner Impressions Advertising / Affiliate Page - Tower Ad 2 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Banner URL:

Ad #13 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 1 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #14 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 2 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #15 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 3 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #16 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 4 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #17 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 5 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #18 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 6 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #19 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 7 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #20 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 8 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #21 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 9 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)

Ad #22 ( Sponsor Ad / Affiliate Page - Side Links / Affiliate Side Link 10 ):
Your Comments & Notes:
Ad Description:
Paid-Link URL:
Ad Text: (Everything you want displayed with your ad)
Check this box if you have submitted this form truthfully, and you have made the payment for the advertisement.


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